We need your help - but just a little!
You may have heard through the grapevine that the Louisiana Gas Association is developing a website that will help bring together the marketing, safety and communication efforts of every natural gas utility in the state.
**Currently, we have a Landing Page at that address until January 2017 - our expected completion date
We need your help to include your company!
One of the most important elements on the site is the Zip Code Search Engine.
All any citizen in Louisiana will have to do is input the Zip Code in which they live and the natural gas gas company(s) that serves that area will pop up.
We need your phone number, email contact and url address/link to your website. Your customers will be able to find you in one simple step.
Please, follow the format below and the file attached, if you have a specific person, that would be fine, but if you want it to got to a department, i.e.., then that works in the long term in case of employee turnover.
Please find your city or gas system and verify the information that you have or send us an update. If you have any questions, please contact Jim Tilley at or 318-429-4257 as well.

Thank you. This will be a great step forward in promoting Natural Gas throughout Louisiana.
Jim Tilley
LGA Marketing Committee Chairperson