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About Us

The Louisiana Gas Association is a nonprofit organization incorporated in the State of Louisiana known as the LGA.  It is comprised of investor and municipal-owned natural gas distribution companies, transmission companies, and master meter operators, along with associate members who produce or market natural gas and those who provide goods and services to the natural gas industry.

The LGA is composed of more than 125 gas distribution and transmission companies in Louisiana, including both municipal and investor-owned systems.  Association members serve more than ninety-five percent of the gas customers in the State of Louisiana.  In addition, there are over 80 associate member companies, more than 30 master meter operators and more than 125 individual members.

Pipeline Safety Conference Co-Host Participants

Become a Member

The member and the board of directors of the LGA cordially invite you to join our organization.  Louisiana's natural gas industry should be a strong force, but it takes numbers to be heard in the legislature.  We, therefore, need you and every gas operator in Louisiana to join.  There are many benefits, including:

  • Education and training
  • Public relations
  • A voice in legislation affecting your industry
  • Assistance with regulatory compliance